Fear of Not Flying: A Way Forward for Mental Health in the Aviation Industry

The aviation industry has and still is experiencing the greatest shock in its ultimately magnificent history. Much has been spoken about the global financial cost, the horrendous effect on employment, and unimaginable personal impact. Underpinning of the recovery however will require acute attention to be paid to the mental health of all associated with this industry, and particularly those in safety critical roles. There have been significant consequences for mental health – the most fundamental of areas. These remain for many, and we cannot expect them to abate any time soon.

A proactive, relatable stance simply must be adopted; one that resonates with the principal stakeholders – in particular, pilots, cabin crew, engineers, and flight operations managers. To not do so invites unnecessary risk and consequences for years to come. This is a defining moment.

Anticipated rapid growth post-Covid serves to underscore the criticality of the issue as a surge of new Aviation professionals enters highly skilled, safety-critical roles but without applied industry experience. This need not be a detriment, however. It can be addressed.

This presentation will discuss what has been, some steps taken since the start of the pandemic to address mental health matters, and the future – potential issues for airlines, associations and individuals alike.

Day 2 – Wednesday 4th May 2022 – Session 8

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