Competency-Based Training and Assessment (CBTA) has become the new buzzword around the aviation industry, and there is no doubt it provides for more comprehensive and efficient training systems than previous approaches.

Our comprehensive events are designed and curated to provide you with a competitive edge in today’s dynamic job market. Our methodology focuses on real-world application, enabling you to demonstrate your CBTA proficiency and readiness for the workforce. WATS believes in empowering individuals with the skills employers demand, making our programmes a key driver of success in various industries.

Our experienced instructors are dedicated to guiding you through your learning journey, emphasising hands-on experiences and practical applications. WATS stands out in the education landscape for its commitment to excellence in competency-based training and assessment (CBTA). With a track record of producing highly skilled professionals, we take pride in our role in shaping the workforce of the future.

Discover the advantages of our CBTA model, where your progress is measured against predefined standards. At WATS, we are not just providing education; we are shaping competencies that matter. Elevate your career with WATS and experience the difference of CBTA.

The Americas
Holly Foster
+1 813 994 0191

Rest of the World
Jeremy Humphreys
+44 (0)1252 532009

A group of people in a conference room

WATS 2024 Sponsors & Partners

Diamond Sponsor

The cae logo on a white background

Gold Sponsor

cgs immersive logo

Gold Sponsor

Logo of FlightSafety International

Silver Sponsor

The boeing logo on a white background

Silver Sponsor

Logo of Figur architects collective

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Touch & Go Solutions Logo

Bronze Sponsor

Logo of amplifire

Bronze Sponsor

artemis aerospace logo

Bronze Sponsor

Logo of European Pilot Selection & Training

Bronze Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

the honeywell logo

Bronze Sponsor

MOOG logo in the background

Bronze Sponsor

Symbiotics logo

WiAT Sponsor

Logo of Visionary Training Resources

Organised By

Halldale Group logo

Conference By

The CAT magazine logo

Supported By

The icao logo on a white background
A sign up form for a world aviation training event