2021 Cabin Crew Conference

Moderator: Dan Duren, Southwest Airlines

Day 1 – Tuesday 15th June 2021

Session 1: Opening Remarks & Keynote Address (all conference tracks)
1) Marc Parent, C.M., President and Chief Executive Officer, CAE
2) Brad Thress, President and CEO, FlightSafety International

Session 2: The Dynamic Air Sector (all conference tracks)
1) Robert Burke, Group Manager, Training and Simulation Group, FAA
FAA Update
2) Sheri Pippin, Aviation Safety, Air Transportation Division, FAA
Pilot Professional Development Rulemaking
3) Dr. Matt Vance, Professional Pilot Faculty, Oklahoma State University
Undeniable Emerging Trends in Commercial Aviation

Session 3: Cabin Crew Conference Kick-Off
1) Dan Duren, Learning Consultant, Southwest Airlines
2) ‘Open-Mic Tuesday’ – Hard Topics & Conference Expectations

Session 4: Facing Challenges with Solutions
1) Craig Kennedy, Program Coordinator & Trainer & Eric Lipp, Founder/Executive Director, Open Doors Organization & British Airways Global Engagement Center Accessibility Team
Airline Disability Training & the Importance of the Post-Covid Disability Market
2) Thomas Kaminski, Manager College of Inflight, JetBlue Airways
Comparative Analysis – Door Drills

Day 2 – Wednesday 16th June 2021

Session 5: Trends 2021: Planning for the Future of Learning
• Doug Harward, Founder & CEO, Training Industry Inc. & Dan Duren, Learning Consultant, Southwest Airlines.
The role of learning and development continues to broaden, with many learning leaders helping to facilitate and support change initiatives in their organizations. From the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic to the social and racial unrest across the country, L&D professionals have played an integral role in leading their organizations through unprecedented change. As we move forward, L&D must ensure employees have the skills they need to meet the evolving needs of the business. Join us for this session where we will share some Training Industry research, and paint a picture of what we are learning about the future of Learning and Development.

Session 6: Cabin Crew Readiness
1) Jonathan Jasper, Manager, Cabin Safety, IATA, Matt Whipp, Manager – Cabin Safety, British Airways & Anabel Brough, Safety Manager – (Cabin) Group Safety, Emirates
Impacts of Covid on Flight Attendants
2) Birdy Raghoonundun Gunputh, Product Manager Safety Training, Lufthansa Aviation Training GmbH & Martin Egerth, Process Manager Beyond Aviation/Senior HF Expert LH Group, Lufthansa Aviation Training Switzerland AG
Challenges: Perceive, Acknowledge, Solve and Anticipate Them

Session 7: Innovation in a New Normal
1) Renee Medina-Eggleston, Sr. Instructor, Flight Attendant Training, Southwest Airlines University
Intertwining Safety, Innovation & Culture at Southwest Airlines University
2) Stefanie Coppedge, Manager, Inflight Training & Professional Development, Frontier Airlines
Innovative Learning Solutions in an Ultra, Low-Cost Environment

Session 8: Workshop – Mental Health Under Stress
• Karen Moore, Principal Occupational Psychologist, Symbiotics & Dan Duren, Learning Consultant, Southwest Airlines

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